2021 - Lecturer at JMK school of Journalism Stockholm University in Investigative, Documentary and News journalism. Ongoing.
2007 - Producer of Investigative documentaries for SVT Uppdrag granskning, SVT Dokument Inifrån, TV4 Kalla Fakta and SR P1 Kaliber. Author of books for Norstedts and Carlsson publiching houses. Ongoing.
2017 - Investigative Coach for Gotlands Allehanda, Adresseavisen in Trondheim Norway and Bergens Tidende in Norway.
2005 - 2007 Dagens Industri TV, business reporter, editor and news anchor.
2003 - 2005 Freelance news reporter and researcher. SVT Rapport, SR Ekonomiekot, SR Ekots grävgrupp.
1998 - 2003 Ericsson Mobile Systems. Marketing strategist and lecturer in future telecom technologies and sustainability.
2009 Stanford University Innovation Journalism fellow. Internship at CNET CBS.
2002 - 2004 Stockholm University JMK "Journalisthögskolan". Program for students with an academic exam.
1992 - 1997 Royal Institute of Technology(KTH)/University of Sydney. Degree in Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Civilingenjör) with specialisation Environmental Technology.
1990-2020 Stockholm University. Degree of Bachelor of Science Main Field of Study: Psychology. Also Practical Philosophy, German and French.